Composition Skills

Composition Skill
English composition  skill consist mainly of writing paragraphs, essays, and other formal

Keterampilan komposisi bahasa inggris  terutama terdiri dari penulisan paragraf, esai, dan formal lainnya

Penyusunan kalimat dalam paragraf secara teratur agar pembaca mudah memahami teks bacaan

  1. Organization of Examples
The example and details in an expository paragraph can be organized according to time,familiarity, and importance. In an example essay, the principle organization is essentially the same.

Contoh dan detail pada paragraf ekspositori dapat di atur berdasarkan waktu, keakraban, dan kepentingan. Dalam contoh esai, prinsip menyusun pada dasarnya sama. 
      2. Transitions between paragraph

Developmental paragraphs in the example essay must be connected so that they flow smoothly.

Pengembangan paragraf dalam contoh esai harus terhubung agar mengalir dengan lancar.

There are two ways to connect the paragraphs in an essay :
1. Transitions to introduce examples / Transitional expression
2. Repetition of key words and phrases

1. Transitions to introduce examples/ Trantisional expression
  • In the first developmental :
    One example of a person who kind is my neighboor
    (Salah satu contoh orang yang baik hati adalah tetangga saya)
    One area of town where there are examples of improvement is uptown
    (Salah satu area kota dimana ada contoh perbaikan adlaah dipusat kota)
    One thing which bothers me is air pollution
    (Satu hal yang menggangguku adalah polusi udara)
    First, consider the case of Mr. Martinez.
    To begin (to begin with), consider my roomate

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